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Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
thats why u work the average and the 'standard deviation', if its extremely high, then you'd know not alot of people are finishing race, or doing 5 minute laps...for woteva reason :P
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
then the average of the server would be slower, to reflect the slower drivers And if all the slower drivers are equally slow, that will also be shown with the Standard Deviations (gets rid of odd one out, like the 1 fast guy), so then if you are a realtively slow driver, you have found yourself a cool server
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
hmmm i think the benchmark should remain the WR + 103 etc, and i guess you just gotta know your own abilities, do i usually drive 5 seconds off WR? or maybe 2 seconds, or am I on par with the best guys. But I guess LFS world can download your PB, and compare that with times of the server, again i havent thought THAT much about it, just throwing up the basic idea and let you guys work it out

P.S and its Chensta FFS! lol
New Server Browsing Suggestions - 10x the fun!
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
okay, for these of you who might of played 'poker' online, in the server listing you see some info, and perhaps one of the most important bits is 'average pot', for these who dont know, thats pretty much how much people bet, but i aint gonna get into that. So where does this come in LFS? Well before you join a server, you know what ur up against.

First add-on column, displays the 'average' benchmarking of the server, how this is done by taking the lfsworld pb lap of all the drivers gets an average, which is then compared with the WR times on LFSworld. This figure will be showen as +2.2 etc, and maybe you can work a color code into a box with yellow for average (ie near benchmark times), green for fast and red for the slows. This will help you find a server that suits your pace, but now for the 2nd bit.

By using a little bit of maths, you can figure out the Standard deviation of the laptimes DURING the race, if its really really big, that usually means you have alot of crashing, 10 minute laps and basically not alot of close racing. Again this can be worked into a colour code, Green,Yellow,Red, or maybe 2 shades of green and 2shades of red.

before a session of LFS i usually go on lfsworld live alert and see which of my friends are online and join them, but if none are online, then it takes alot of trial and error until i find a nice server, so this could help.

this is an idea i thought of in 5 mins, including the time it took to post, so maybe we can work on it
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
@Mrs FienDi: cool avatar, i can just see it saying 'This rule applies to EVERY event..'
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
i can get 10/10 lines and 10/10 consistency with the pit limiter Big grin
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
Quote from Vykos69 :Besides the fact, that the sales going on well (germany increased from 19.8 to 20.5% in the license pie over last 2 months ).

That doesnt actually mean LFS sales are going well, just that you guys are taking over
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
there are alot of trusted and respected members on this forum who knows what their doing (maybe you angel?) and i really dont see why Scawen wouldnt give you permission to play around with it....if you ask nicely....
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
Line: Like most people here, still 'relatively' in experienced with S2 tracks, that is compared with classics like Blackwood where i know every atom of the track....Big grin
So I say: 5

Consistency: Not very good, until I did a 3 hour enduro, taught me alot about rhythm and setting a nice pace, so maybe 7 (ofcourse does not apply whille learning configs)

Racecraft: 10 for the slower cars (XF,UF1000) and 2 for fast cars (GTR's), I am very good at passing, and also driving defensively, while at the same time not causing any danger or being unfair. But with the GTR's and the fact i use mouse, I find it hard when changing lanes, as the mouse is nowhere near as 'stable' as a wheel, meaning i usually start drifting left or right and yea, so overall for all cars i get 6 Big grin

Overall: 6 Big grin
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
in one of the many threads i read Scawen wasnt the most familiar with Linux and that is one of the reasons why there hasnt been a Linux Dedi released, so im thinking, for a experience Linux dude, how hard would it be to make? Maybe one of these nerds on this forums could post here, and get in contact with scawen, i dont know anything about this kinda stuff, but im sure scawen doesnt have to release the whole source code to that person, just stuff he needs, again I have noidea. But yea, i think if LFS is to grow and grow, especially after S2, it needs a Linux Dedi, and it wouldnt hurt starting now
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
Live for Speed: Just Live IT
Live for Speed: The Ultimate Racing Experience
Live for Speed: Live the Passion
Live for Speed: Better than Sex
Live for Speed: Almost as good as Sex
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
hey, yea i saw that, but there are reports around that there is all kinds of problems with it, ie you have to constantly reboot etc etc.....and in other posts they are saying it runs perfectly....what is it actually?
LFS-Dedicated Server on LINUX
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
hey, I am interested in running a server on Linux, as well as many others. Yes i have done a search on rscnet and also lfsforums, and found information scattered everywhere, so I was wondering if anybody can compile a little step by step guide on howto get one working, this could help alot of people, until there is a Linux Dedi server released, if ever.

Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
Yes, really looking forward to it, should be a great day! The 3 short races with different starting orders should make for some great races, for these of you think that such a long track would be boring for a GTI, well think again, 4 cars sidebyside on straights, going through corners 2 by 2, and drafting back and forth 3 times a lap is not what i consider boring
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
what happened was there wasnt enough competition for keyboarders and mousers, and therefore it was easy to get WR's and beat guys like Biggie and Flotch just by using ks, BUT i do not see the reason why you dont include the track overview filter, but remove the WR's from being counted.....
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
this could be due to several reasons:

1) the driver only drives hotlaps, therefore they dont have any experience in 'racing'

2) the difference in braking point and speed through turns is too big as well as possible variations in racing line, could causes problem

3) the guy is an arrogant bastard who thinks everybody should give way, because his on a 'good lap'.
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
maybe his driven hours and hours on each of the 744 configs and done millions of laps already and is bored of the game
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
err....i think you guys forgot an important tip ....... practice and patience. I see sooooo many new players get frustrated because they are so much slower than the faster drivers, and think 'they are just crap'. Well, the truth is, these guys have probably been playing for a long time, and as in real world racing (after all we are trying to simulate real racing) drivers develop their skills over time, even the ones who have a gift for racing still gotta practice
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
heard alot of sethro's movie, can i still download it anywhere
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
with graphics like that, i think even my calculator can run it
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
this is considered modding, and will not be considered until after S3

"what about creating a sub mod called LFS Tuning or something like that."

not the best way to start a topic around here
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
BREAKING NEWS: Buses Stopped for Possible Terrorist Threat
October 24, 2005, 6 pm

A caller told the Sheriff's office in South City, England that a bomb was aboard a SouthBus's bus and gave officers a description of the bus and the driver.

The South City police stopped and evacuted two buses that fit the description, one near SO Classic, and the other at the SO Long rest stop about forty seconds south of SO Sprint on Highway 14.

Investigations are currently underway with experts from terroist experts from USA,UK and various European Nations. Initial reports indicate a link with Cabbie Mafia Incorporated, which is a parent organisation of South City Cab Co.

In a press conference this morning, SCCabCo spokesman 'Chensta' denies any allegations, declaring 'We are all really nice guys, we respect public transport......'.

A few minutes ago, South City Police made a statement 'we are currently searching for a man named 'dlareg', who fits in with the description of the driver of the bomb in question, and has been seen stalking the area in recent weeks, and could provide us with vital information in this investigation.'
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
ofcourse right now this will be for leagues only, as they usually contain a certain level of race organisation, how it could be implemented to be *automated* in the future could be like this.

Instead of an actual safety car, instead ONLY the lead driver gets the limiter - maybe around 100-120km/h, all drivers behind can then bunch up, if they cross the car infront they get a warning like a blue flag, but with countdown 10-1, at 5 seconds if you have not corrected position, its a stop-go, if after 10 seconds u r ahead, its a disqualify

the only prob i see if u crash at 100km/h (n0000bs!), and lose places......
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
hmmm....that would be weird....the field wont be bunched up, i think its best to just trust the drivers - think of it as a mid race rolling start

as for monitoring, wouldnt be hard, all u need is a bind for each driver "Caution, Safety Car Required', the race admin can then either do 'Safety Car out' or 'Ignored'. This way the 1 admin can simply jump to the car in trouble
Lola Popeye
S2 licensed
the more i think about it, the more i see potential in this, especially in long races
i can think of a few scenerios -

a car is stuck in sand, you are driving hard and your tyres is getting hot, the safety car comes out inorder for them to safely remove the bogged car (ie pushing it out), and you have time to let your tyres have a breather, conversly, your tyres may get too cold, and you need to once again work your way into race rhythm.

perhaps also like in real racing, pitting while safetycar is out, so that you lose the least amount of track position with the stop, this also adds to sum 'luck' or random factor in a race, should i pit now? or hold on a few more laps for a safety car etc